Web Projects

Mockup of College of Informatics Website Northern Kentucky University College of Informatics

Designer, Developer, Quality Testing

Technologies Used:
Adobe Experience Manager, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

The landing page as well as many of the child pages were redesigned and touched up to display a cleaner, more modern design.

Mockup of NKU Housing websiteNorthern Kentucky University Housing

Designer, Developer, Quality Testing

Technologies Used:
Adobe Experience Manager, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

The landing page was the primary focus of this project. It gained a new, custom-designed hero image and layout to better display important information.

Mockup of destination data websiteNorthern Kentucky University College of Informatics Destination Data Survey

Designer, Developer, Quality Testing

Technologies Used:
Adobe Experience Manager, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Google Charts

The purpose for this project was to display key statistics gathered from a survey taken by recent NKU graduates. The goal was to create a dashboard-like site where information can be found quickly and easily.

Mockup of Soothe Sounds applicationSoothe Sounds Web Application

Designer, Developer, Quality Testing

Technologies Used:
Brackets, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery

Soothe Sounds is a web application focused on calming music and sounds. There is an option to simply listen to pre-selected songs, and a page where the user can pick from certain samples and click the grid to hear various notes and rhythms.

Mockup of student jobs directoryStudent Jobs Directory

Designer, Developer, Quality Testing

Technologies Used:
Adobe Experience Manager, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

The goal for this page was to create a functional, aesthetically pleasing layout so users can browse job openings.